Home Inspirational Bad News Travels Fast — Frank Sonnenberg

Bad News Travels Fast — Frank Sonnenberg

Bad News Travels Fast — Frank Sonnenberg

Bad news travels fast. And yet, most negative chatter about you or your organization isn’t a result of external events outside of your control; it stems from lapses in judgement that could have been prevented.

Negative comments are detrimental to your reputation. And once bad news spreads, it’s difficult — if not impossible — to thwart. So be careful what you say and do because bad remarks can damage your reputation in the blink of an eye. As Doug Larson, the columnist, said, “Bad news travels fast. Good news takes the scenic route.”

Bad news is as difficult to contain as an out-of-control fire.

Bad News Is Bad News

The best way to prevent an unfavorable public image is to refrain from behavior that’ll lead to one. Here are 25 ways that people shoot themselves in the foot:

Stab you in the back. Some people are sketchy. You never know how they’ll burn you, but you know it’s coming.

Win at your expense. Some folks will do anything, and I mean anything, to win — even if it’s at the expense of a relationship.

Don’t try. Don’t care. Some people are apathetic and uncaring. It shows in everything they do.

Make a fool out of themselves. Some folks do outrageous things and then expect people to forget how they behaved.

Burn bridges. Watch out. When some people are wronged, they let anger and resentment get the better of them — and it’s pretty ugly.

Act hypocritical. Some folks say one thing yet do another. You’re never sure if they even believe what they’re saying.

Sell their soul to the devil. Some people let temptation seduce them — even though they’ll live to regret it.

Treat people like dirt. Some folks think they’re better than everyone and treat people with disrespect.

Cut corners. Some people constantly scrimp to save a penny. Unfortunately, their shortcuts can take the shine off of otherwise flawless activity.

Renege on promises. Some folks make commitments, but don’t even try to live up to them.

Possess poor character. Some people do things that are unethical, immoral, or illegal. The worst part is that they know it — and do it anyway.

Respond poorly to someone’s problem. Some folks’ only response to a customer problem is, “It’s not my problem.” (Ugh!)

Tell half-truths. Some people distort facts, omit key details, and bury information in fine print. Unfortunately, you can’t trust anything they say or do.

Fail to pull their weight. Some folks are lazy. They wouldn’t lift a finger if their life depended on it. That places a greater burden on the rest of us.

Refuse to accept accountability. Some people drop the ball and don’t even bother to apologize for their misstep.

Think money is everything. Some folks will do anything to make a quick buck — even if it damages a long-term relationship.

Nickel and dime you to death. Some people charge a small fee for incidental items — but when you add the costs up, it’s substantial.

Do a bait and switch. Some folks entice you by offering one thing but then substituting another.

Exaggerate a story. Some people stretch the truth to make something look better than it is.

Talk behind your back. Some friends are disingenuous. It makes you wonder, If they treated one friend that way, they may do the same to me one day.

Mix with a bad crowd. Some people surround themselves with unprincipled people and become guilty by association.

Act emotionally. Some folks say things without thinking and pay a hefty price for it. As the saying goes, “You can’t unring a bell.”

Fail to follow through. Some people are not dependable. You have to constantly look over their shoulder or they’ll let you down.

Behave as erratic as an irregular heartbeat. Some folks are so moody — you never know who will show up on a given day.

Appear as weak as thin ice. Some people are spineless. They’re devoid of strong beliefs, original thoughts, or opinions of their own.

What’s the Word on the Street About You?

From a business standpoint a negative remark can take the form of “Buyer beware: I got burned. Don’t let this happen to you.” From a personal standpoint, it’s harsh when people spread the notion that you’re dishonest, unreliable, and can’t be trusted. In conclusion, it takes a lot more effort to rebuild a reputation than to establish one from the start. So, the next time you fail to put your best foot forward, just remember…when you think you’re fooling the world, you’re only kidding yourself — bad news travels fast.

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Are Your Actions Putting Your Reputation at Risk?

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Additional Reading:
Reputation: You Can’t Run from Your Shadow
What’s More Important, Perception or Reality?
Are You Reliable or a Flake?
How to Repair Your Reputation
15 Simple Ways to Destroy Your Career
23 Ways to Spot a Hypocrite
50 Signs That You’re a Train Wreck

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