Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Have You Ever Totally Trusted Someone?


Have you ever totally trusted someone? I’m not talking about how you might normally trust people; I’m talking about making yourself completely vulnerable — because you’re absolutely convinced they have your best interest at heart. If you can point to a handful of people who meet that criterion, you’re very lucky.

How do you identify these special folks?

For a start, they’re kind, decent, and selfless, in every sense of the word. What’s more, you have confidence in their ability, know they have the best of intentions, and are convinced they have the utmost moral character.

What’s more, if they agree to do something, you can rest assured that it’s as good as done. You can disclose highly sensitive information to them and never doubt their honor. And you can close a deal with a handshake and know their word is as good as a contract. In short, you can put your heart in someone’s hands and know that it will be treated with care.

Folks like these are one of a kind. So, when you meet someone who fits the bill, jump at the chance to befriend them. They will enrich your life more than you can imagine.

Totally Trusting — in Every Respect

If you’re having a hard time distinguishing between an ordinary relationship and the one, I’m describing, consider there are different degrees of trust. For example, while you might trust a customer service employee to help you with a problem, you might not trust that individual to manage your finances or care for your children.

The folks I’m describing are consistent and reliable, perform favors with no strings attached, and never try to win at the expense of your relationship. You’ll never have to mince words, never have to play games, and you can feel totally comfortable being yourself.

In addition, when you totally trust someone, there’s no need to:

  • Get everything in writing.
  • Look over their shoulder.
  • Question their motives.
  • Second-guess their decisions.
  • Doubt their sense of fairness.
  • Worry they’ll double-cross you.
  • Question if they’ll betray your confidence.
  • Fear they’ll take advantage of you.
  • Question what they’ll say or do.

Just think about the time you’ll save, the aggravation you’ll avoid, and the positive impact it’ll have on your health and well-being. You’ll spend more time moving things forward than protecting your behind.

So refreshing!!

If you’ve never enjoyed a relationship like this, ask yourself why. Is it you or them?

The reasons relationships like these don’t often occur is due to fear, greed, and lack of trying. Some people have gotten so burned in the past that they’re afraid to get back on the horse again. While that’s understandable, if you’re not receptive to a totally trusting relationship, it’ll never happen. As Henry Ford said, “If you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got.”

When you do nothing, nothing happens.

Additionally, just because you’ve been betrayed in the past doesn’t mean everyone is untrustworthy. There are a lot of decent and honorable people in the world. It just means you haven’t found the right person yet.

Don’t throw the whole town in jail because one person committed a crime.

Some folks may think the concept of totally trusting relationships is naïve — and you’re only setting yourself up for disappointment. After all, when push comes to shove, you must look out for yourself. In short, if you’re skeptical that these relationships are possible, you’ll never make the required commitment to make it a reality.

Put Your Heart into Your Relationships

According to an 85-year Harvard study, the most important contributor to enduring happiness are strong social relationships. But like other desirable things in life, totally trusting relationships require commitment. You can’t expect others to go all in if you’re afraid or suspicious. In other words, don’t dip your toe in the water; take the plunge. As the saying goes, “You don’t get 100% results with only 50% commitment.”

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Have You Ever Totally Trusted Someone?

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Additional Reading:
Why Do You trust Some People and Mistrust Others?
9 Powerful Reasons Why Your Moral Character Matters
Do You Deserve to Be Trusted?
Is Your Friend Really An Acquaintance?
Take the Shoe-on-the-Other-Foot Test
Be Kind and Considerate … It’s More Than Just a Catchy Phrase
Living the Golden Rule

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