What is your symbol of hope?
I have always loved fairies, the small imaginary beings in the form of a woman with magical powers and as a symbol of hope. In human form, I know of one fairy… my mother. She guarded and protected me and taught me my values. Her personality, her mindset, is etched within me for eternity. I’ll never forget that at age 96, I feared the end may be near. She had just been released from the hospital just a few days prior with pneumonia. Little did I know I would be blessed with another five years with her.
How Faries Became My Symbol of Hope

The fairy I gave my mother which to me is a symbol of hope, hung on her television cabinet.
That night we talked. She pointed to a small white fairy who held a sign that read: “Mothers are like angels on earth!” I remember the day, years ago, when I gave it to her. She hung it on a hinge on her television cabinet where it fluttered suspended in space for years. She told me it was her favorite gift from me.
“It is interesting the effect that fairies have on me. I am not going to question why. My answer is…just because.” — Honey Good
During the course of our conversation that night I told my mother I was leaving for our home in California within the next few days. I told her I would travel back to Chicago monthly, to visit.
As I said each year, I told her, “Mom, you have to wait for me.”
In the past she had always responded, “I will wait.” On this particular night she said, “I will try but cannot promise.”
My heart sank as tears welled up in my eyes and I said again, “Mom, you have to wait for me.”
Her eyes caught sight of the little white fairy and she said, “Hopefully the power of my magical fairy and the red string you tied around my wrist will guard and protect me.” She smiled. Her smile gave me strength.
But we both knew.
She then changed the subject and inquired about my day.
So, I told her the story of how I connected with two women who were strangers because of my love of fairies.
Fairies at the Hospital – A Symbol of Hope
Here are the stories I shared with my mom… One began when my husband had a doctor’s appointment.
A woman sat at the information desk. “I love the fairy you are wearing on your lapel. She is beautiful,” I told her. The fairy was made of silver and appeared to fly.
“I wear it every day and you are the first person to ever make a comment. Thank you.” She replied, clearly taken aback. I smiled, said goodbye and we walked away to the elevator bank.
After the doctor examined my husband, he wanted him to take a test. “You will have to take it in California because I am sure you will not get an appointment in the next three days,” He told him. I did not like what I heard so when we left I told my husband I was going to try and arrange for him to take the test. You know my saying, darlings: If you do not try, you will never know.
You Never Know Where You’ll Make a Magical Connection
As I went to make the appointment, there were several cubicles with women sitting behind desks. I sat down at one. The young woman behind that particular desk was from India and I would guess in her 40s. She had a beautiful engaging smile and was wearing a fairy. I couldn’t believe it and said, “I love your fairy. You are the second woman today that I have seen wearing a fairy.”
“I have worn this fairy everyday for four years because I had surgery three times for brain cancer,” she told me.
“I understand how you feel,” I said. “I had two surgeries for lung cancer and surgery for a melanoma.”
With that our hands reached for one another across her desk and, with our hands entwined and tears running down our cheeks, she said, “Thank you so much for understanding.”
Hope and Magic at Work in the World

My mother’s fairy now hangs in my office window, where I look at it daily and feel my mother’s love surround me.
Next, we talked about her for a while; my husband got an appointment and then I showed her my red string and said, “I wear my red Kabbalah string to guard and protect me. May I come back and tie a red string around your wrist to guard and protect you?”
“You would do that for me? Oh, yes, I would be ever so grateful,” she replied with a huge smile.
“I would be happy to,” I said, smiling back.
We both got up from our chairs, reached over her desk and hugged one another and said our goodbyes, until my return.
As I walked away I felt empowered and grateful for the capacity to be able to connect and feel for others; even a complete stranger. Darlings, the experience with this young woman was one of my most enriching experiences.
Afterwards, I told this story to my mother and she told me there were not enough words in the dictionary to describe how much she loved me. As I left for California a few days later, I believed my mother would be safe —a gift from my fairies! And she was. She lived 101 years.
Today the white fairy I gave my mother hangs in my office next to my desk in the window. Each time I walk into the room there she is in full view reminding me of my love for my mother. I know just who I will give her to one day, passing on the tradition and her magic.
Magical Symbols That Bring Me Hope
I have meaningful trinkets all over my house, I like to be able to look around and catch on something special to me. Here are some things that I keep on a special shelf.
Jami, my dearest daughter-in-law, gifted me my blue wand, it whispers secrets of resilience and strength. The other, a playful swirl of colors, came from my Ultimate Concierge, a reminder to embrace the magic in everyday moments.
Across the shelf, a seashell shimmers, nestled in a delicate glass box , a gift from my favorite aunt. The seashell was a gift from a lady in blue shell collector I met on the beach on an early morning walk with my ultimate concierge. It reminds of the salty whispers of the Sea and the lady in blue.
I asked one of my grandsons traveling to Israel to bring me a piece of the land. He could not have chosen a better gift; the light-brown colored stone. My daughter Jenny’s heart dish that reads, “Kiss, Kiss,” is a reminder of the ties that bind us.
From Hawaii, my personal puku beads, each one a tiny prayer for good fortune, a gift from a land that taught me the magic of peace. And Sharon, a dear friend from far away LA, gifted me a crystal angel, its wings catch the light and reminds me of our close tie.
I Believe In Magic!
A sign that reads “Believe in Magic” was gifted to me by Carolyn, who worked at HoneyGood and knew of my love of spirituality and my belief in magic.
Once, an acquaintance saw this shelf in my condo-in-the-sky and asked me about it. As I told her of each trinket and there are so many more a connection bloomed between us. Casual friendship blossomed into something deeper, born of shared experiences and cherished treasures. Funny how things happen, darlings! It’s serendipity, a sprinkle of magic in the ordinary, waiting to be discovered by those who hold magic in their hearts as a symbol of hope.
So, open your eyes to the magic that surrounds you, darlings, be it from fairies or other means that are a symbol of hope. Gather your own collection of meaningful trinkets, each one a talisman of love. In their stories, you might just find the key to connections and joy, a world where serendipity dances on sunbeams and magic takes flight on butterfly wings.
Remember, darlings, magic isn’t just for fairy tales. It’s a part of our everyday lives, waiting to be embraced by those who dare to believe. So, believe in the magic, hold onto your treasures, and watch your life bloom into a story worthy of being placed on your own enchanting shelf.
It is interesting the effect that fairies have on me. I am not going to question why. My answer is…just because.
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